Sunday, September 5, 2010

Being Productive

So with the baby of the family tucked into bed and the older 4 started on their movie night, I finally have some time for me. Tonight I am planning on being productive by adding some of my favorite recipes, and then maybe some crafty time before I crawl my exhausted behind into bed! :)

First I wanted to tell you a little bit about our day. Today is Sunday, which is our family day. We usually start our day with a big breakfast, then off to church, then lunch out, and the last 13 weeks, we've been going to a class called FPU(Financial Peace University) at our church. It's by Dave Ramsey, and the basic idea is: get an emergency fund going, get out of debt, finish your emergency fund, and then get a ton of money so you can give a ton of money! I love love love this class, and I would recommend it to ANYONE(and no I don't get a commission for saying that)! So far we have paid off over $26,000. in debt, and saved almost $500. (in 13 weeks!!!) If we can do it, YOU can do it! It's just such an awesome feeling to be on our way to being debt free, managing our money better, and knowing if there's an emergency we have some cash we could spend fixing it! So after our awesome last class, we headed home to get our beautiful children into bed.

Ok, enough with my financial crap, now for some fun stuff! :)

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