Thursday, September 9, 2010

Anna's first day of school

In the past we've home schooled all of our kids, all but one year. Our preference would be private school but it doesn't always fit in the budget, so we home school when it's not going to work, either because of money, or moving(the Army likes to move us halfway through a school year). My hubby was pretty determined that he wanted them in public school last year so we gave it a go. That lasted all of a month and a half. First of all their attitudes were atrocious. Second, the teachers weren't even attempting to challenge my kids and they were bored out of their minds. So, we pulled them out and home schooled for the remainder of the school year. I love homeschooling, it's so much fun and so awesome to see your kids learn the way they learn best. I love that we can take breaks whenever we want, go on vacation whenever we want, and that my kids are always getting challenged and allowed to progress at their own pace instead of having their classes "dumbed down" to the slowest kid in the class. This year they are going to private school.

My youngest daughter, however, is homeschooling this year. She's pre-k age, and could go to school with the big kids, but the kid still takes a 2 hour nap everyday. I'm thinking in my head while trying to make that decision, do I really think that the teacher is going to be able to handle her if they have to wake her early from her 2 hour nap... uh, NO! She's super ready, and really will probably be reading by next week, but she's just not ready to give up that 2 hour nap! I really hope she's ready by next year... Haha!

We had our first day of school today, and she was so excited. Pre-k school at our house lasts all of 20 minutes. When they are getting that one on one attention with you, it really doesn't take that long. Shoot, last year even getting 4 to 1 attention, with a baby thrown in the mix, unless I had a kid intentionally being lazy, they could be done with an entire school day in 3 hours or less. I think people don't understand how easy it is to teach your own child. Yes, sometimes you get a kid like my oldest where everyday is a struggle b/c they think that they are so beyond schoolwork that their pencil eraser is more interesting. However, on most days, b/c you know your kid, and know what they like to learn, and how they learn best, you are their best teacher. Ever heard that saying that God gave the kid to you b/c you are the best parent for the kid, the same is true for teaching the kid. Otherwise, you'd never be able to teach the kid how to be an adult, and don't for a second think their getting THAT at school! Homeschooling is not for everyone, and even those it is for sometimes need a break. My kids HATE home school right now b/c it's all they've been able to do for 2 years and haven't had a choice. I anticipate at least one of them in the next couple of years coming back home for school, just b/c if you have the option of doing 3 hours of work vs 6, most kids pick 3. Right now all of mine are LOVING the classroom environment and all their friends. And I am loving my break! :) 

Off my soapbox now! :) My littlest girl had a great first day of school. We talked about the letter I and the number 1, did some flashcards, coloring, writing, talked about calendars and all that good stuff. She's so smart it's scary. I can't believe what a difference a few months make in a kid's motor skills. I shouldn't be surprised, we've taken a summer break every year and I've been homeschooling for 6 years, but it still amazes me. Last year she couldn't make that darn pencil do what she wanted, and now, 3 months later she's a pro. She even wrote her name a few times. I'm such a proud mama!

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