Monday, March 7, 2011

the longest vacation EVER

So we just got back from the longest vacation we have ever taken. It was fun, and we made alot of memories. but I am so glad to be HOME! Terence was scheduled to go to a school so I figured I'd hop a MAC flight and head down to Washington State for a 3 week visit. Well, between his school date getting bumped, him needing to come down to take care of some business, and then him not being able to come down right away for those 2 weeks, we ended up away from home for 65 days! 

We were able to get alot of visiting in with alot of friends and family that it's been too long since we've seen. They got to spend a TON of time with their grandparents. They got to run around quite a bit with my best friend's kids. 3 of the kids had birthdays while we were down there. Terence and I had the opportunity to take them to the great wolf lodge, which we've never been to. I think that was the highlight of my trip!

To any of my cloth diapering friends who think that it's too hard to go on vacation with your cloth diapers, it can be done! Back and forth between my mom's and my friends' houses, 2 different stays in hotels, and a whole lot of traveling, and we still never had to use a disposable. I'm so proud of myself! HAHA!

I had to take a break from blogging as well since I didn't bring my laptop with me. All I had was my iphone and I haven't figured out how to blog efficiently from it yet. You'd think that they'd have an app for that!

All in all it was a super fun and super busy vacation, and totally worth it. But, like I said, it is good to be HOME! I forgot how much I love my house, taking care of my house, and cooking meals for my family! I don't plan on going on vacation again ANY time soon! :)   

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