Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Yeah I said it...

I'm sure most of you know I am prolife. In fact I am so prolife that I would probably vote for a candidate based solely on their stance against abortion. Ridiculous, I know, but that's how strongly I feel about it, and how much it breaks my heart.

I hurt for the babies who are robbed of their chance at life. I hurt for the moms who will be forever haunted by that memory. I hurt for the dads who are robbed of the opportunity to know their babies. Before you say no such thing, I have personally spoken to some. Here's a link for those of you who doubt. http://www.fatherhoodforever.org

So I'm sure from my giant family, and the fact that we are pregnant again and not planning on being done until God says so, that you can tell that I am not a big fan or birth control or planned parenthood. Needless to say, I'm not happy that our tax dollars go to paying for someone else's birth control or abortion. Your tax dollars don't pay for the kids I have, so why should I have to pay for the kids you don't want? We don't get WIC, food stamps, or even use public school money! Not that there is ANYTHING wrong with using these things, we just don't need it.

I think one of the most disturbing things to me about planned parenthood is their origins. In a nutshell, a woman started this as a birth control clinic, aimed at big families, but more so at BLACK families! Literally, she saw black people as less "fit" to reproduce and wanted them to stop. She even enlisted black pastors(unknowingly) into her plot, to get them to push their flock towards birth control. Big deal, some of you are thinking. It was almost 100 years ago, and birth control isn't that big of a deal.

Here's the deal though. It didn't stop there, as things rarely do. It's not like they adjusted fire and turned to just helping people. On the contrary, the majority of their clinics are in minority communities. African Americans are exponentially more likely to get an abortion! Why? Because they are being TARGETED! This makes me sick, really really sick. More sick than just plain abortion, this feels like GENOCIDE to me, yeah I said it. And I mean it. I'm am thoroughly disgusted.

Don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself. Do some research. Prepare yourself to be horrified. Prepare yourself to find how many people survive abortions, and become prolife advocates themselves. Here's a couple of links I found.





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