Friday, October 19, 2012

A little sweetness

One of my beautiful daughters is a saucy little thing who often times says hurtful things trying to be funny and occasionally on purpose. So, when this particular child says something sweet, not only is it honest, it's very emotional for me.

This morning as I am changing quite possibly the most disgusting diaper ever(ok I might be exaggerating a little due to some pregnancy smell enhancement) she tells me one of the sweetest things. She says(and I'm paraphrasing due to pregnancy related memory loss) that babies don't really give any rewards. When I asked her what she meant, she told me that you get your rewards in heaven for taking care of babies since there aren't any rewards on earth for caring for a baby. Then she goes on to say that I must have a lot of rewards in heaven. I wanted to burst! She has no idea how sweet she was being, she was just saying what she thought was obvious.

But, I do get rewards here on earth. I get those first beautiful smiles, those precious tiny arms wrapped around me in a hug, one of their first words are almost always mama, and I get the joy of helping to point a child towards Christ. I love my kids. I don't think I'll get rewards in heaven for raising children, because I surely do get my rewards here on earth! Don't ever forget what a JOY raising babies, and later kids is when you are caught up in the hum drum of everyday poopy diaper business! :)

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