Thursday, December 2, 2010

changes changes changes!

Wow! So I've totally been falling down on the job of keeping up with the blog! There's been so much change around here, that it's hard to even catch up! Where to start?
First, we pulled the kids from school to homeschool again! To explain this one I guess we have to go way back to the beginning of the kid's school years. Our oldest's Kindergarden year we were all set to enroll him into public school after 2 years of private pre-school. A week before school started I panicked, I couldn't imagine sending a kid that had been reading for a year already into a school where he wouldn't even be expected to know his alphabet. So, we homeschooled out of desperation since we couldn't afford private school. Then the next year, the same. Finally when he was in 2nd grade and his little sister was in Kindergarten we were able to afford to send them to private school thanks to extra deployment pay! The whole year I spent questioning whether or not their teachers were doing a good enough job. We made it through, I think to the benefit of my Kindergarten, who really needed that year of not learning from mom. The next 2 years we homeschooled again, the first year with a 3rd, 1st, and preschooler. The next year with a 4th, 2nd, and Kindergartner. This year we got a big portion of the private school we wanted our kids to go to payed by scholarship, and sold a TON of stuff to get the rest. Then, about 2 months into it, I realized there had been a shift somewhere, and instead of homeschooling being our last resort, it had actually become our preference. So, instead of denying it any longer, we gave in and faced the fact that we are indeed, a homeschooling family!
Another big change is a much welcomed and anticipated announcement that we are pregnant! We're due in July and just totally overjoyed with the news of this new addition to our family!
We also, just a few days ago, added another member to our family by brining home a puppy! He's a 7 week old malamute and already HUGE! He's alot of fun, and of course, alot of work. What can I say, we might be crazy, but at least we're having a blast!

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