Monday, December 13, 2010

laundry, laundry, and more laundry

So I absolutely hate laundry, and boy am I in the wrong business for that! Around here I have to do about 4 loads of laundry every day to keep caught up, plus a load of diapers. I always forget to switch the laundry out, which means I usually only get 1 or 2 loads a day done plus diapers, so I'm almost always behind. Probably once a week we'll have a slow day around here(which for us just means that we aren't going anywhere and only have to do the regular house hold stuff plus homeschool) and then I'll get caught up. Today is one of those days.

So as I was folding clothes(the clothes MUST be folded and put away STRAIGHT out of the dryer under penalty of death!) I was pondering why I hate laundry so much. I think its because it's one of those jobs that's never actually done. Even if all of the laundry is actually washed, dried, folded and put away, which only happens in our house when we are going on vacation, you can rest assured that any minute someone is going to come in with dirty clothes from their room, the bathroom, or they will change their clothes. I like to finish a job and stand back and see my handy work, laundry definitely doesn't fit that description, so it just sucks.

Sometimes I get the feeling that I am literally washing the same outfit over and over and over again. This is the worst feeling in the world. Sometimes it's because one of the kids has developed a favorite outfit, and just HAS TO wear said outfit everytime it gets washed(usually a girl child). However, I have discovered another reason, the most heinous act EVER. Some of my children apparently(to my dismay) would rather put their clothes back into the dirty laundry bin instead of folding and putting them away(GASP). This truly has to be one of the cruelest tricks they could ever play on me. First, it makes more work for me, but second and even worse, it makes me question my sanity. Did I wash this yesterday? Did they wear this yesterday? Is this deja vu? Am I actually losing my mind? It's just plain mean! HAHA!

1 comment:

  1. I know of which you speak. When the kiddos got big enought I taught them how to do their own (with supervision of course).
    God bless
