Saturday, February 9, 2013

Baby Boyer

Well the last post I wrote as I was waiting for the ultrasound tech to come back in the room so I could leave. I ended up waiting for quite awhile. Turns out I had to wait to speak to a doctor because the ultrasound showed a problem with the baby's heart. Our little tiny baby has what's called a ventricular septal defect(VSD), which is a big long term for a hole in the baby's heart in between the 2 main chambers.

It's the most common of all birth defects, and there's a chance that it could close up on its own. The doctor is playing it extra safe though since our baby is also measuring about 10 days behind. The plan at this point is to have an echo and a growth check ultrasound on Feb 11th.

Sorry it took me so long to update with this, but I needed time to process and talk to all our family so that they weren't blindsided by the blog. We appreciate all your prayers and I'll update again after the 11th.
On a funny note, 3 of the middle kids (Elizabeth, Ryan, and Anna) wanted to know the sex of the baby. Since I felt like they should have a little fun too I let the ultrasound tech tell them, fully knowing that they would eventually spill the beans to me. They actually didn't tell me, but someone they did tell accidentally told me the same day.

If you know us, you know that we don't ever find out the sex of the baby so this is a whole new thing for me! I'm actually having a lot of fun knowing, and it makes me feel closer to our little baby. Terence doesn't want to know, so until someone accidentally tells him, you'll all have to be in the dark! :)

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