Monday, June 25, 2012

Just a day in the life...

So I was struck by the sheer hilariousness that is my life today. First, before sharing, a disclaimer. This is NOT me complaining. I know my life is hard and full of work, but it's also full of crazy love, fun, and it's just down right funny sometimes! Besides, isn't EVERYONE'S life hard????

My morning started at 4:30 when I drug my exhausted butt out of bed. The initial plan was a quick shower followed by some work, getting the kids up, fed, dressed, animals cared for, and out the door by 7:30. As soon as my shower and quiet time were over I realized there is NO WAY I have time to actually work this morning. Now, this in and of itself, is a small miracle. EVERYONE who knows me well, and even some of my acquaintances, are fully aware that I am late EVERYWHERE I go. My husband will testify that I always think that I have time to quickly do some work when I so very clearly DO NOT! :)

So I wisely chose to get the kids up, feed them breakfast, and hurry them through getting ready. This plan was going great until I was telling them to get into the car at 7:28 when I realized that I never sent anyone out to feed the goats or chickens. So, I send the oldest 2 out with the hope that THIS morning, they won't fight or bicker, get frustrated, or take forever to get the animals fed so we can leave... Yeah, not so much...

While they are doing that, I'm loading all the littles into the car. Baby, check. Toddler, check. 6 yo, check. 8 yo, check. Gas that my husband was supposed to pour into my tank the night before so that I could make it to the gas station.... not so much. 

In his defense this really is all my fault. I was just hoping that he would rescue me. I really am a damsel in distress in disguise. Often. Poor knight. Last night I ran to the grocery store at 9pm because we needed eggs, fruit, syrup, and most importantly sugar for our coffee. I was tired, I was hot, and it was dark. I had $10 cash for gas and I didn't want to stop on my way home in the dark, when I was tired, and go all the way into the gas station to pay them so I could pump my gas. So, I called my knight, and he tells me to come home, that he has gas in his lawn mower gas can, and he will put it in my tank for me.

So, back to this morning. He has a jump. He HATES to jump. Naturally, he's distracted. So, he forgets. No big deal, I'll just put the gas in. I'm a big girl. I can figure this out(after he tells me in detail exactly how to do it!) I go in search of the funnel I need, because the big gas can's nozzle won't fit into my gas tank. Finally after a frustrated prayer, I find it! I stick it in the tank, prop it up, poor the gas in, AND, the stupid funnel falls over and gas pours all over my car, and my driveway. Awesome. I call my big girl over to help me out since she just finished up with the animals. She holds the funnel as I SLOWLY and CAREFULLY pour the gas in, because I'm so scared to pour it on her! About halfway through I realize she doesn't look so good. I ask her if she's ok. Nope, poor kid is standing RIGHT next to the gas I poured everywhere, and the gas I'm still pouring, and she's getting all dizzy and nauseous. Mom of the year, I tell ya! So I have her switch out with my biggest boy, and have her go get some air. We finish the gas, wash our hands, pour water on the car to rinse off the gas, and hit the road. We were only 18 minutes late leaving, and still managed to get to church 5 minutes early. Yeah, that was all God. I'm still impressed! :)

Of course, we get there and my 3yo decides he wants to pitch a fit for the next 30 minutes. However, all the other kids were fantastic. I was able to help out, and my baby even stayed in the nursery(a first, THANKS KELLY!) It was really a blessing to go and help out today. Little Dude snapped out of his bad attitude and I think that he even had fun. I'm looking forward to the rest of the week at church.

Now I just have 5 loads of laundry, 2 loads of dishes, a floor to vacuum, dinner to make, and 2 hours worth of work after the kids go to bed. Ah bed, can I go to bed NOW? ;)


  1. I thought about you and smiled this afternoon!!! No matter what your kids are doing or not doing, you are smiling and I love that about you. Thanks for all of your help today Chara!!!

  2. Somehow, you made me feel like a rookie. Thanks! Love it! ;)
