Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Yeah, I'm not 18 anymore

You know when you have one of those moments, when you realize you aren't as young as you used to be? I actually have those moments a lot, but this time it was bad, and it lasted awhile, and I don't think I'm likely to forget again, at least not for the next week! ;)

So as I posted a little while ago, I started playing on the church softball team. I love it! It's so much fun, and even though I am not super good at it, no one makes fun of me, and everyone is nice when I mess it all up! HAHA!

We had a scrimmage game 3 weeks ago, and it was a BLAST! Our teams were pretty evenly matched, and it was just a fun game. I connected with the ball each time I came up to bat, and I got to play through to home all but one of the times I came up to bat. That means I was sprinting, and it means I had this really awesome adrenaline rush as I was sprinting. Have I ever mentioned that I am an adrenaline junkie? I love love love doing crazy things that make me feel alive! Anyway, the next day I was understandably sore. I stretched, and stretched, and stretched. Something was off, but I kept thinking I was just sore. I had this weird shooting pain if I propped my legs up, and then went to get up, but I just kept thinking that I could stretch it away!

So 2 weeks ago we had our first 2 games. I didn't get to play in the first, we have SO many awesome ladies playing that we have to take turns, and did I mention that I'm not so good? Not exactly starting material(just kidding coaches!) The second game though... I connected with the ball and tore off running. Yes! :) Then I got halfway to the base and had this awful searing, tearing pain up both my quads. I literally almost tripped and fell over. I didn't. I kept running(I'm sure I looked super retarded). I made it to the base and thankfully got out, b/c otherwise I would have had to run to second! I tried to walk it out, and stretch it out, and it would NOT release. Both of my quads were in this awful constant contraction.

I left the game after it was over, and went home. Hot bath, ice, rest. The next day, still pain, and then swelling. I went into the ER. The doc who spent like 2 seconds with me, didn't even bother to look at, or bring in my chart(his admission) hurried me through to a micro tear(AKA strain) diagnosis. He was just as baffled as I was that I managed to hurt BOTH legs. My best friend says that it's b/c if I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it all the way. A very good observation! HAHA! I guess this is a common injury for runners b/c our hamstrings are stronger than our quads so if we sprint we can tear the quad muscles. The doc said to take tylonol and motrin, rest, and wait. I am thankful that I looked it up, and have a super smart RN mommy who both said DO NOT TAKE MOTRIN Apparently this causes bleeding in the micro tears which increases swelling, bruising, and pain.

The next week was full of owch that hurts walking, wondering if it was worse, TONS of bruising, and a visit to my PCM to make sure he agreed with ER doc's diagnosis, which he did. The next Friday I woke up pain free, YAY! But I had this awful headache. Anyone who knows me knows that I get these stupid headaches if I don't sleep right. If I don't take 2 extra strength tylonol and 1 800mg motrin, I will have the stupid headache for 3 days! And yes, this sucks when I'm pregnant and can't take the motrin! So, I think well, it's been 2 weeks since I hurt myself, and I'm pain free, I'm SURE it'll be fine to take a motrin. WRONG! Pain for the next 3 days! :(

Things are healing up nicely now. I have some pulling pain in my right knee occasionally when walking or stretching but that's about it. I am planning on trying some light jogging today, and if that goes well, I'll be trying to play in the game tomorrow! :)

So now that you read my 7 page paper on my retardedness, please remember, if you aren't 18, don't act like you are! HAHA! Needless to say, I probably won't be sprinting the bases anytime soon! Act your age, not your shoe size people! :)

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