Sunday, March 2, 2014

Moving on

So here we are, making crazy drastic changes again. We have decided that it is no longer in our family's best interest to remain in the Army. So, this means we have less stability, but oh so much more freedom. What fueled this decision you might ask? Well, a lot of different things but here's some that topped our list... The Army is becoming less and less stable with budget cuts and proposed benefit cuts. With budget cuts and personnel cuts comes the realization that a promotion is not coming. When you have an ever growing family, you NEED that promotion to come. So the security that the military used to give us is no longer there, and we are ready for a change! Scary? Yes, but it's always scary to take that first leap towards something new.

The direction we are heading is freedom, mostly financial freedom. In order to get completely get out of debt(and STAY out this time) we are going all minimalistic. So, what does that mean, to probably the biggest family you personally know? We are selling almost everything and moving into a travel trailer. We must be insane. I know... but don't most adventures start out that way? With everyone around you (and maybe even you) saying, "you must be crazy!"

The goal is also to be mobile. We have no idea where Terence will find a job and we want to have the freedom to go where he can find a job. Being in a trailer will also make our financial obligations smaller, which means we should have a little leeway on what kind of job he finds at first. It will also make it so that we don't have to rush to find housing. We can take our time and build ourselves a nice savings before buying a house again. I know, I know, it isn't what everyone else is doing! Different is scary, and well, different. However, change is necessary, and often good. So, here we go! :)

I will do my best to post pics of our crazy life that is to come!

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